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What could we do if the valve doesn't closing tightly?


What could we do if the valve doesn't closing tightly?


In general, if it is a case of not closing tightly, first confirm whether the plastic valves has been closed in place, if there is still a leak that can not be sealed after it has been closed in place, then check the sealing surface again. Some PVC valves have removable sealing pairs, so take them out for grinding and test them again. If the valve is still closed, it must be returned to the factory for repair or replacement of the valve, so as not to affect the normal use of the valve and the emergence of industrial accidents and other problems.

Why does the pvc valves not close properly?

Wear: Over time, valve components may wear, causing a loss of sealing ability and causing the valve to fail to close properly.

Debris or foreign matter: Debris or foreign matter accumulated in the valve can hinder the closing mechanism and prevent it from sealing properly.

Improper installation: If the valve is installed incorrectly, it may not close properly.

Corrosion: Corrosion of valve components will affect the valve’s ability to form a tight seal, causing the valve to fail to close properly.

Pressure problem: If the pressure on both sides of the valve is unbalanced, it may cause the valve to fail to close properly.

What could we do if the plastic valves doesn't close properly?

1. Impurities stuck in the valve sealing surface

Valve sometimes suddenly shut down, may be the valve sealing surface between the impurities stuck, at this time should not be forced to force the closure, the valve should be slightly larger, and then try to close, try again and again, generally can be excluded, otherwise it should be rechecked. Should also keep the quality of the medium clean.

2. Valve stem thread rust

Usually in the open state of the valve, closed by chance, due to the valve stem threads have been rusted, will also occur off the situation. For this case, you can repeatedly switch the valve a few times, that is, the valve can be closed tightly, without the need to repair the valve grinding.

3. Valve sealing surface is damaged

For trying to switch several times is still not tight, that is, the sealing surface has been damaged, or corrosion, media particles in the damage to the sealing surface, this situation should be reported to the repair process; the valve stem and the valve is not tight, the valve can also be closed tightly.

4. Valve stem and valve connection is not good

In this case, it is necessary to add lubricant to the valve stem and stem nut to ensure that the valve is flexible on and off. To have a set of formal maintenance programme to strengthen the maintenance of the valve.